DUE to COVID-19:
Visitors and volunteer positions are not accommodated at this time.
Accommodations for therapists are still allotted.
We encourage you to come and spend time with your child at Hamilton Academy. We realize your daytime hours are limited, but suggest you look for opportunities to:
- accompany the class on a field trip.
- Participate in or observe private lessons or other special activities.
- Participate in craft making.
- Observe in classroom.
- Join the class for lunch or snack.
- Set up a conference with your teacher.
- Stay for a while when bringing or picking up your child.
- Read our bulletin boards, calendars, flyers and newsletters.
Also, we truly appreciate any usable supplies or equipment you might want to donate to your child's classroom.
Conferences are scheduled as needed through the year. Please do not feel that these are the only times when you should visit with your child's teacher. We want to exchange thoughts and information on your child whenever necessary. We welcome mothers and fathers on field trips, during class time when you may wish to share your talents with us, or helping us with various projects to benefit the children's classrooms.