Daily temperature checks at arrival will be taken. Masks must be worn by children ages 2 and up and all staff regardless of vaccination status, by order of Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins.
Both children and staff must meet the State requirements for immunization and physical examination. For the children, we are required to keep a detailed medical file containing immunization records, allergies and a record of any past illness or injury.
It is the parents' responsibility to bring written confirmation from a physician that your child has been examined and is able to participate in a child care program. If you do not have written confirmation of your child's health, please obtain it the next time you visit your child's physician. Immunization records must be provided at time of enrollment.
Medication cannot not be given without written permission from the parent or guardian. All permission slips are discarded each Friday. Written permission must be renewed on Monday if medication is to be continued. Permanent medication requires written instructions from your physician. When medication is given, teachers are to note the time, amount given and sign the medication form. Prescription medications must be in the original container labeled with the child's name, a date, directions, and the physician's name. The Center can administer the medication only as stated on the label directions. The Center cannot administer medication after the expiration date. Nonprescription medication must be in the original container. The Center will administer according to label directions if approved in writing by health personnel or the child's parent.
A child care center is, unfortunately, an ideal place for passing along illness. Please do not bring your child if he or she has an undiagnosed rash, fever, or diarrhea.
A child can not attend if they are not well enough to participate comfortably in center activities, including outdoor play. If your child is sent home, a note will accompany the child with the symptoms shown. A child who was ill may return when they are symptom free for 24 hours or a health care professional's statement has been obtained and states that the child no longer has an excludable condition.
Hamilton Academy is fortunate to have our local fire department and police station within just a few blocks. Regular fire, tornado, and toxic spill drills are conducted for the entire center and escape routs are posted in each room. Smoking is not allowed anywhere on our property.